Lön Paul McCartney

Född: 1942 United Kingdom
  • Årligen: 477 513 276,00 kr
  • Månadsvis: 39 792 773,00 kr
  • Veckovis: 9 182 947,62 kr
  • Dagligen: 1 836 589,52 kr
Paul McCartney

From the moment you arrived on this page, Paul McCartney has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Sir James Paul McCartney CH MBE, född 18 juni 1942 i Liverpool, är en brittisk sångare, låtskrivare, musiker och skiv- och filmproducent. Guinness Rekordbok har utnämnt McCartney till musikhistoriens mest framgångsrika låtskrivare, vilket delvis grundar sig på samarbetet med John Lennon.

Wikipedia page about Paul McCartney

Earnings overview:

Sunday Times Rich List May 2023: £760m (no rise compared to 2022)

Sunday Times Rich List May 2022: £865m (£45mrise compared to 2021)

Sunday Times Rich List May 2021: £820m (£20m rise compared to 2020)

Forbes May 2020: $ 37 million

Forbes Oct 2019: 48 million

Forbes 2018: $47.5 million

Forbes June 2017: $54 million

Forbes July 2016: $56.5 million

Billboard 2016-5: $7.1M

Forbes June 2015: $51.5 million

Forbes Dec. 2014:$71 million

Forbes November 2013: $47 million

Forbes May 2012: $57 million


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2023-5
